Dried Fruit & Nuts

Dried Dates Medjool Pre-pack
$13.05 Pre-pack (approx.) $28.99 per kg
Dried Figs
$6.60 Pre-pack (approx.) $21.99 per kg
Dried Mango Spears
$3.06 Pre-pack (approx.) $16.99 per kg
Dried Apples
$4.90 Pre-pack (approx.) $48.99 per kg
Dried Apricots
$12.60 Pre-pack (approx.) $44.99 per kg
Dried Fruit Salad Mix
$6.00 Pre-pack (approx.) $19.99 per kg
Dried Papaya Spears
$8.60 Pre-pack (approx.) $19.99 per kg
Dried Pineapple Rings
$3.96 Pre-pack (approx.) $17.99 per kg
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